Project duration:
11th June - 26th June 2023
Career Mentorship Platform (Web + App)
Project overview

Mentorship platform for people who are building their career or busyness and are looking for guidance, support, insights and networking opportunities to reach better results. The platform is also a place for experts who are willing to help and share with their experience.

User research summary
In conducting user research for a career mentorship platform, we employed a mixed-method approach to gain valuable insights. Initially, we began with qualitative methods, such as in-depth interviews with potential users to understand their needs, pain points, and preferences regarding career guidance and mentorship. We also conducted surveys to gather broader quantitative data on demographics and user behaviours. Our assumptions going into the research were that users primarily sought mentorship to advance their careers, and that a virtual platform would be preferred due to its convenience. However, after conducting research, we discovered that while career advancement was a key motivation, users also sought mentorship for personal development and work-life balance. Surprisingly, a significant portion of users expressed a preference for a hybrid approach, combining both virtual and in-person interactions with mentors. These valuable insights helped us redefine the platform's features and user experience, ensuring it caters to the diverse needs of our target audience and offers a more comprehensive and tailored mentorship experience.
Digital wireframe
I wanted to create such a design where nothing will distract user from the primary task “finding the right mentor”, that’s why I put searching tools in the center.
Low-fidelity prototype
To create a low-fidelity prototype, I connected all the screens involved in the primary user flow of finding and connecting with the mentors.
At this point, I had received feeback on my desing from members of my team about thing like placement of buttons and page organization. I made sure to listen to their feedback, and implemented several suggestions in places that addressed user pain points.

View Lo-Fi Prototype
Usability study
Study type:
Unmoderated usability study
5 participants
United States, remote
15-20 minutes
Usability study findings
User want to see pricing options on the mentor’s card.
User want to see what languages mentor can speak
User want to have an opportunity to listen to mentor’s voice and his self introductory section
Usability study
When I was creating a mentor’s card with brief information, I wanted to put there the most important information that can help users make their mind about going further into mentor’s information or not.
After usability study
Before usability study
When I was creating a mentor’s profile I wanted to make sure it will have all necessary sections to provide the mentee with all other important information their didn’t find on the brief description card and also make it possible for mentors for personal customization. I also added an opportunity to listen to information in mentor’s voice instead of reading.
After usability study
Before usability study
High-fidelity prototype
The high-fidelity prototype followed the same user flow as the low-fidelity prototype, including design changed made after the usability study.

View Hi-Fi Prototype
With the app designs completed, I started work on designing the responsive website. I used the Mentorship’s sitemap to guide the organizational structure of each screen’s design to ensure a cohesive and consistent experience across devices.
Responsive designs
The designs for screen size variation included mobile, tablet, and desktop. I opimized the designs to fit specific user needs of each device and screen size
Hi-Fi Prototype
The designs for screen size variation included mobile, tablet, and desktop. I opimized the designs to fit specific user needs of each device and screen size

View Prototype
Accessibility considerations
What I learned:

I learned that even though the problem I was trying to solve was a big one, diligently going through each step of the design process and aligning with specific user needs helped me come up with solutions that were both feasible and useful.

Users shared that the app made finding mentors, building networks and studying from experts easy to do.

One quote from peer feedback was that

“This app is really a powerful tool that can empower my career and make so many things easy and engaging”
Next steps
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