app screen
Project duration:
4th May – 11th June 2023
Mobile ticketing app for a movie theatre
Project overview

Mobile ticketing app for a movie theatre. The target users are all kind of movie-goers, who prefer buying tickets via mobile app beforehand and enjoy spending time by getting deep into movie related content

User research summary
Through interviews, I learned that many movie-goers want to use dedicated mobile app for buying tickets because of it convince and some users want to avoid frustration when trying to purchase tickets in person, especially during peak times when lines can be long and seats can sell out quickly. This pain point was compounded by issues with parking and traffic, which could cause delays and impact arrival times.

We also discovered that many movie-goers value the convenience of being able to browse showtimes and select seats from their mobile devices, as well as the ability to receive personalized movie recommendations. However, some users expressed concerns around the security of mobile payments and the difficulty of navigating mobile ticketing apps that were poorly designed or hard to use.
Pain points
  • Waiting in line
    User needs an easy and convenient way to purchase movie tickets without waiting in line
  • Seat and time selection
    User needs an ability to select the preferred seat and movie showtime in advance
  • Tough-budget
    User wants to earn rewards, loyalty points for using the app or get discounts to save some money.
  • Payment process
    User needs seamless and secure payment options.
UX Design Storyboard :)
Paper Wireframes
Taking the time to draft iterations of each screen of the app on paper ensured that the elements that made it to digital wireframes would be well-suited to address user pain points, I prioritized a quick and easy ordering process to help users save time
Competitive Audit
Identified Gaps
  • Only English language available for web-sites
  • Overall weak accessibility for online users.Webs are compatible with screen readers but aren’t useful from the practical point of view.
  • Sometimes buying process can require too many clicks for a user.
  • Webs are dense and overwhelmed with info for new users.
Digital wireframes
On the home screen I wanted to place all necessary information in one place from the beginning and not to overwhelm the user by its abundance. The main intention was to provide the user immediately with current movies in the cinema, tools to filter or search them and quick access for viewing bought tickets.
Here I wanted to make it obvious to find dates and showtimes for those who are already determined to go on with buying movie tickets for a certain movie and let the ones who are not decided to get more movie related information to make a better decision.
I wanted to create a clear representation of the cinema hall, so the user has a complete understanding of where to choose seats.
Low-fidelity prototype
The low-fidelity prototype demonstrates the buying ticket process. Here we can see how the user can browse movies on the main page than select one and choose date, time, seat and finish purchase. It also was used in a usability study with users.

View Lo-Fi Prototype
Affinity Diagram
Identified Insight
1st usability study
1. Users want to get a better and richer experience for getting information about the movie
Before usability study
After usability study
2. Users want to get a better and richer experience for getting information about the movie
Before usability study
After usability study
3. Users want to have a clearer visualization of the seats in the cinema hall
Before usability study
After usability study
Accessibility considerations
What I learned:

I learned how to empathize with people better
I gained a new understanding of user centre approach
I learned how to create a detailed competitive audit
I understood how to conduct a good user research and why it’s a very improtant part of the UX process
I gained skills to create low and high-fidelity prototypes in figma.
I gained an understanding of accessibility benefits

"I just enjoy how easy and straightforward the buying movie tickets process is"
Participant A

"I love to spend time with movie related content and this app made it possible for me"
Participant B

"The design is easy to understand and pleasant to spend time with, so I’m not overwhelmed with all new information and feel comfortable buying tickets online"
Participant C
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